Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fixing the Redirect virus

The redirect virus or google/search redirect virus is annoying as it will redirect you to fake web sites when you search it's a browser hijacker which is normally undetectable by standard anti-virus programs.

Symptoms and Signs

  1. Search Engines Redirect you to fake web sites little known fact, but major search engines including Google, Yahoo, and Bing don't send you directly to the web site when you click it they send you to a page on their site so the can collect search data.
  2. You get redirected to fake websites from any redirection aside from search engines.
Go here for more information on the redirect virus and how to remove it.

How to Defragment

5 Technology myths

How to defrag your computer step by step(Windows defrag is garbage)

Defragging your computer is sometimes a good way to gain a bit of speed. What it does is puts your files on your hard drive in order for quicker access which ultimately means more speed. Defragging is good especially for a computer you've had for a while that maybe getting slower.

  1. Step one: Get a decent defrag software the windows defrag software is powerless compared to some alternative free drefraggers out there for this I'm going to recommend Auslogics Disk Defrag which gets rid of junk files, and fixes registry errors aside from defragging.
  2. Step two: Install the software and run it
  3. Step three: If you've never run a defrag from the drop down menu that says "Defrag" select "Defrag & Optimize(slower, use once a week)".
  4. Step 4: sit back and let it do it's job keep in mind that it can take a while especially on computers with a lot of fragmentation, but the end result should be a faster PC.

I hope this helps you speed up your computer, and fix some other underlying issues.

Top 5 Technology Misconceptions


It's safe to assume that at one point or another we've all heard rumors or myths which caused misconceptions about some form of technology in this post I will address 5 of the most common myths I know of.

  1. Misconception 1: High speed internet makes you insusceptible to viruses, and hackers.
    • This is false for a number for reasons one being high speed internet is faster than dial up connections meaning threatening viruses, and hackers come at you faster you should get a good antivirus software there are several decent free ones I'd recommend AVG which can be found here
  2. Misconception 2: All browsers are the same
    • This is just idiotic for the simple reason that they've had tests to show which browsers did the best they tried hacking them and most didn't last very long, I'd recommend google chrome as a browser, but hey that's just me speaking.
  3. Misconception 3: TV Causes Teen Pregnancy
    • While it's true that teen pregnancy is greater in those who watch more TV shows involving sexual gestures there are just too many other factors to verify if that's truely the cause, I mean if parent's are letting their kids watch shows with that kind of content who knows what else goes on in their day-to-day lives also it's impossible to tell how any given child will react to said content.
  4. Misconception 4: Cellphones cause cancer
    • While some studies indicate that this is a possibility there is yet to be a conclusive study linking cancer to cellphone use some scientists claim it does others claim the exact opposite.
  5. Misconception 5: Macs are immune to viruses
    • This is the point where I get to laugh because I strongly dislike macs and think they're only good for multimedia and have major compatibility issues with my windows games and applications, the reason my dear readers is supply and demand, there are a lot more people using windows than there are people using mac, this means people trying to steal information from you such as credit card numbers, email addresses ect ect are going to have a lot more luck doing so if there are more people from which to steal thus windows is more logical than mac.
The best way to overcome myths and misconceptions is research. There's this fabulous newfangled thing known as the internet, and on it there are lots of shiny facts just waiting to be dug up. Just be careful, and know not everything you read is true, never spread things around that you can't prove that's how rumors spread.

My Favorite MMOs

Why you shouldn't buy a dell

Why I love/hate the Motorola Xoom

  1. Reasons I love it
    • Flash 10.x support meaning I can play flash games, watch youtube in HD and millions of other online videos and other assorted content not viewable on other devices.
    • Dual Core CPU at 1000MHz 
    • 3D graphics Hardware accelerator
    • New android market with movies books and tablet optimized apps/games
    • All the old features that made me love android
  2. Reasons I hate it
    • While it's true I can watch all my favorite videos on the go doing so will inevitably result in data overages which will cost me a hefty fee 10 dollars per gig over which in my opinion is better than Verizons previous overage plan I believe it was 5 cents a megabyte which came out to be about 51.2 dollars a gig
    • The cost is 80 dollars for 10 gigs I think 80 dollars should easily mean unlimited data seen as how on android phones unlimited data is only 30 dollars a month.
    • While the new android market has more features it seems some of the older ones I loved are missing/disabled
    • Last I checked I couldn't find a working Netflix app for it
  3. In closing
    • It's great for mobilizing your life since it has a huge amount of storage you can easily store a decent number of videos not to mention it now supports removable media with the last update meaning even more videos, it can go on the non-mobile Facebook site, sadly for you Farmville addicts it can't quite play it yet. If you're thinking about getting it I'd recommend it however I'd also suggest you check out the newer tablets such as the Samsung galaxy tab 10.1.

Top 5 android apps and games

Android and its growing fanbase

My Favorite MMOs

I'm not, a big fan of MMOs like WoW, sorry flame me all you want I just never got into it, and the fact that it's pay to play annoys me even more it could make just as much or more being free to play with a cash shop so yeah

MMOs I like

  1. Mabinogi
    • The Good: Free to play quality game fun for hours, and a nice way to make friends, monthly events.
    • The Bad: While it's free to play some features that should be included at least in a nerfed form are not free such as in-game item shops for players to sell their items to earn gold.
    • Over All: It's an MMO I'd highly recommend and it can be found Here.
  2. Runescape
    • The Good:You maybe laughing at me now saying "Haha you like runescape, but not WoW" yeah yuck it up, it's true I used to love runescape I mean I still play, but no where near as much as I used to. The good news is it free to play and members effects a small amount of things you can still get rich as a free player I've been able to make 3 mil as a free player in less than 24 hours before once you have 1 mil it's easier to make more gold and once you have 25-30 mil it's easier to make tons of gold.
    • The Bad: While it's true you can make a lot of gold with a free account a members account has access to items and skills free accounts don't which makes making gold a heck of a lot easier.
    • Overall: It's still fun to this day, and it's one of the simpler MMOs it was my first MMO infact even people who don't know much about computers can play it, Runescape can be found here
    3. Vindictus
    • The Good: It's made by the same people that made Mabinogi infact it was originally going to be called mabinogi heroes or so I was told the gameplay is waaaaaaaaaay different though in mabinogi it's all click to move like in runescape in vindictus you can move with the mouse or keyboard I haven't played much lately due to computer circumstances, but once I'm making more money, and have a new computer I'll be playing again.
    • The Bad: I haven't played enough to tell.
    • Overall: I don't know everything there is to know about this game, but I've loved what I've seen it can be found here
    4. Lunia
    • The good: I haven't played lunia much due to the same issues as with Vindictus, I did however play long enough to get to the point of rebirthing, and loved every minute of it it's controlled with the keyboard(and possibly mouse I dunno if you can change it in settings or not)
    • The Bad: Like Mabinogi some things exist in only a paid format.
    • Overall: I loved playing this especially since I got to play it with 2 really good friends, it was nice Lunia can be found here.
    5. Bleach Unlimited         
    • The good: It's not really an MMO as it doesn't have a massive amount of players, but it has a small friendly community, and a nice staff it's a game based around the Bleach Anime/Manga series.
    • The Bad: While it is a very fun game once you get into it without help it's hard to figure stuff out at first, and it's not exactly up to date with the anime/manga.
    • Overall: I've been playing this game for almost 6 years now, and will continue to do so you have to download BYOND which can be done here and then goto the hub page for BU and click "Join Now" which can be found here.
Well There you have it my favorite MMOs plus one MO lol.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Why you shouldn't buy a dell.

I used to love dell computers, in-fact the first new computer I ever bought new was a dell and it was one of the cheaper ones, it lasted 2 years, and taught me a well learned lesson: Never bring computers into the bath tub because steam gets in them, and they short circuit. I loved that computer it was the best the only problem I had with it prior to the short circuit was the cord was over used and started to break, back then I would have highly recommended dell. In early 2010 I bought a 1400 dollar dell studio 1558 laptop Since It was a pricier model I thought it would be awesome 3 months after purchasing it, I was playing a 3D game, it randomly shut down, I called dell tech support, and after waiting on hold for over 30 minutes I was told they would be sending somebody out to fix it, said person replaced most of what it could have been causing it however they didn't replace the CPU(Which wasn't the problem either the problem was this computer model just sucks) 3 months later the same problems came back the same repairs were made 3 months later same problem this time they made me send it in(which is annoying I mean they should have fixed it the first freaking time right) 3 months later a new problem arises, my mouse starts going out, and I could turn the computer on, off by pressing either mouse button on my track pad, eventually the mouse went out entirely and the keyboard started to go I contacted them about getting the computer replaced they firmly declined which pissed me off excuse my language which is much milder here than it was on the phone with them so I sent it in again as per their request, not even a week after receiving the computer back the mouse started to go out again, and the computer would shut down in the middle of the night which is not good because I host video games for friends. Anyway in Closing Asus Toshiba and HP are all better brands NEVER BUY A DELL!

Battle of the Browsers

My Favorite MMOs

Battle Of the Browsers

The things in this post are my simply my humble opinion the browsers I will use are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

  1. Chrome
    • The Good: Chrome is by far the simplest browser I've ever had the pleasure of using it like firefox has add ons with a number of different features it's layout is also simple with the first page you see showing most visited, recently closed and bookmarked pages making maneuvering it all, simplistic, it's so simple even my technologically illiterate parents can use it, it's also one of the most if not the most secure web browser.
    • The bad: If you like tool bars then you're out of luck google chrome doesn't support many, if any tool bars.
    • Overall: This is the browser I use and I'd highly recommend it.
  2. Firefox
    • The Good: It's fast, powerful and like chrome simple to use however figuring stuff out isn't always as easy it's over all a reliable browser which supports some things chrome doesn't it supports more tool bars than chrome.
    • The bad: All those tool bars can slow you down and some of them are caused by viruses/adware.
    • Overall it's not as reliable as chrome in my honest opinion, but I'd still use it before I'd use Internet explorer.
  3. Internet Explorer.
    • The Good: I can't think of anything here annoying popups and alerts right from the get go little to no customization ect.
    • The bad: Almost everything?
    • Overall: I do not recommend using this there are plenty of other browsers not listed here that are probably better.
In closing this is just my opinion you don't have to listen to it.